Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Weekly Blog 3/23

Dear Wines Families,

I hope this message finds you well. In addition to the items below, please remember that there is no school this Friday.

Parent Survey
On Monday, each family received an email from Dr. Swift with a link to our annual parent survey. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey as it gives us excellent information on the areas we are meeting parent expectations and those areas where we have growth potential. I appreciate your participation!!

M-STEP Assessment Dates
Our annual state assessment for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades begins after spring break. Each grade level has a three-week window to complete the assessments. Third grade has three sessions during their window, 4th grade has five, and 5th grade has six sessions. While we certainly have some flexibility to accommodate student illness, etc. we do want to make sure students are in school (if healthy) during their assessment dates. Your child’s teacher will be sending home the dates of his/her classroom testing dates this week. Please let your child’s teacher know right away if you know that your child will not be in school on any of those assessment dates. Our 5th grade students begin their assessment window the week we return from spring break.

ColorCyle Marker Recycling
Our Student Council is participating in a recycling program called ColorCycle by Crayola. Students, staff, and families can collect any brand of plastic markers when they don't work anymore (including dry erase, sharpies and highlighters). Each classroom has a collection jar and when there are at least 100 or up to 40 pounds, we will send the markers to Crayola (they pay for the shipping). The markers are then “downcycled” into fuel by a company called JBI. If you want more details feel free to email Cristina Rojas ( and  you can learn more about the program at the Crayola website.

Save the Date: Wines Silent Auction
Please save Friday, April 30th for our first ever “off site” Silent Auction. The event will take place at Null in Dexter from 6:00-10:00 PM (auction ends at 8:40). Proceeds from the event will go towards purchasing of new iPads, curriculum enhancements, and playground enhancements.

If you would like to donate to the auction some ideas are: Restaurant and other Gift Cards, Wine priced at $25+ for the wine pull, sport tickets and memorabilia. Please contact Tracie Clarke ( Please contact Amy Holland at 313-790-9667 if you have any food or desserts to donate for the event.

That’s all for this week!


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