Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Weekly Update 5/22

 Dear Wines Families,

Things are getting a little sticky as summer weather has arrived this week. We are all feeling fortunate for our air conditioning that is new to most of our school this year! Top on the list in today’s message is the Wines ROAR which is next Friday! Please consider volunteering or contributing to make this event a success! 

Wines ROAR is Next Friday! 

The Wines ROAR is almost here – happening Friday, May 31st, 5-8pm on the Wines Upper El playground area! We sent an email about the raffle and all the fun planned for the end of year celebration. This is a great chance to see other families and have fun welcoming in summer (which kinda welcomed itself this week)!  

To make this an exceptional event for everyone we do need your help! Three easy ways to do so are:

Volunteer for short (30 min) shifts at the event. **We are in need of volunteers!!! Please consider signing up for one or two shifts per family!

• Donate to classroom baskets or contribute other items for the raffle by this Friday (May 24). Proceeds from the Raffle are not only to help support teachers needs in the classrooms and supplement our specials but also for improvements on the playground, field trips and more!

• Start planning with your child now for the cake decoration contest – the theme is ‘We Love our Teachers and Staff.’ (Due at school by 9am on May 31st to be considered). Your kid doesn't want to make a cake? No worries! You can also just send in store bought cookies, cupcakes, cakes or donuts to be given out as prizes for the musical cakes event. 

Field Day Volunteers

Field Day is Tuesday, June 4th.  3rd-5th grade will be in the morning and Y5-2nd will be in the afternoon. We are looking for volunteers to assist with this event. If you are interested, please click on the link below. If you have any questions, please email Ms. Knoll at

IMPORTANT: Re-Enrollment for 2024-25

Each year, returning families are required to re-enroll. Thank you to the over 200 families who have completed this task. Every family received an email with directions for enrollment for the 2024-25 school year. It is important that everyone do this as soon as possible. The email will come from These emails often end up in SPAM/Junk folders so please check those folders. The process does not take very long but this is critical to our planning for next fall.


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