Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Weekly Update 5/15

 Dear Wines Families,

There is a lot of important information today, but I did try to keep this message as short as possible. Please consider volunteering at the ROAR! This is a big event and takes a great deal of volunteers to make it a success. Shifts are short, fun, and easy!!! Here is the news for the week. 

Early Release Today

Just a reminder that dismissal is at 1:00 today. There is no afternoon childcare.

2024-2025 Before and After Care Registration

Speaking of childcare, we are pleased to announce that Wines will again host before and after care for the next school year. Registration opens today at 10:00 AM. Below is an informational flyer with options, costs, etc.

Art Night: Tomorrow!

Join us for our annual Art Night tomorrow from 6:30-7:30. Come and browse the hallways that are full of great student artwork. Come for a few minutes or come for the whole time! Bring some cookies to share if you are able.

Wines ROAR!

The Wines ROAR is almost here – happening Friday, May 31st, 5-8pm on the Wines Upper El!  This end of year celebration is a great chance to see other families and have fun welcoming in summer!  

While the main purpose of the event is to bring our community together, we also host a raffle to raise money for the school. (Want more info about the raffle? We sent an email about the raffle earlier this week that you can check out here.) Previous earnings have helped pay for our new soccer goals, basketball hoops, field trips, community events, teacher discretionary funds, and more! To help make the raffle and the ROAR spectacular we need your help! 

Donate to Classroom baskets or contribute items for the raffle

Volunteer for short (30 min) shifts at the event. 

Start planning now and talk to your child about a cake for the decoration contest – the theme this year is "We Love our Teachers and Staff!" Students can decorate their cake in honor of their favorite teachers/ staff, subjects, or any part of school!

Field Day Volunteers

Field Day is Tuesday, June 4th.  3rd-5th grade will be in the morning and Y5-2nd will be in the afternoon. We are looking for volunteers to assist with this event. If you are interested, please click on the link below. If you have any questions, please email Ms. Knoll at

IMPORTANT: Re-Enrollment for 2024-25

Each year, returning families are required to re-enroll. Last week, every family received an email with directions for enrollment for the 2024-25 school year. It is important that everyone do this as soon as possible. The email will come from These emails often end up in SPAM/Junk folders so please check those folders. The process does not take very long but this is critical to our planning for next fall.

Noon Hour Volunteers Needed

Looking for a great way to spend some time at Wines and help our kids out in the lunchroom and the playground? We are looking for noon hour volunteers as our crew has thinned a bit temporarily with vacations and other commitments. This is a very fun job and now that the weather has turned a bit, it won’t be cold! If you are interested, please contact our coordinator Randa Choate at


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