Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Wines Weekly Update 12/18

 Dear Wines Families, 

As we near the end of the first half of the school year and the end of 2024, I want to extend my deep gratitude for everyone in this community: kids, families, and staff. Wines is such a wonderful place to be each day and it is because of all of you! I wish everyone a wonderful holiday season and hopefully some important family time over the next two weeks. Here is the final news of the week for 2024: 

Staff “Undercover” Spirit 
Your kids may have mentioned that they have noticed some interesting outfits among staff members this week. Our staff is participating in an “Undercover Spirt Week” to have a little fun before break. Monday we had Monochromatic Monday where everyone dressed in a single color. The staff loved it, but only a few kids seemed to realize something was up. Yesterday was Beach Day which the kids most certainly recognized, and today we have Denim Day and many of us are dressed in denim head to toe! Tomorrow, we have another fun day planned (it’s still a secret!). We are going to open up the spirit to the kids on Friday and everyone—adults and students—can participate in Pajama Day. Please keep it a secret until we announce it tomorrow. 

Time to Sign Up for Science Olympiad! (Grades 2-5)
Next Washtenaw Elementary Science Olympiad (WESO) will take place on May 10th, 2025 at Pioneer High School. This tournament provides an opportunity for students in grades 2-5 to meet and interact with peers and adults of similar interests and talents. Events are interactive, hands-on, and are mainly fun!! Please click the link to sign up and for more information: 

We are still looking for parent volunteers for coaching. Teams will not be formed without coaches. Please contact head coach via

International Night – Wednesday, January 22 from 6:30-8:00 PM
Our annual International Night is only a month away! (Please note the date change from what was on the original school calendar.) This is your family's opportunity to choose a country you are from, have spent time in, or are simply interested in learning about and sharing with others! Your kid(s) can teach others about your country with food, information, an activity, game, craft, or anything else that is representative. We will end the night with our Parade of Nations where your child(ren) can hold a sign representing their country of choice! Lastly, based on last year's response, we are open to a fashion show, dance, or other talent if there is enough interest and time permits. 

Please help us prepare by signing up here for a country to represent. This helps us ensure that we have everything we need ahead of time for your family. If you are able to help volunteer, please sign up here

Our schoolwide Social/Emotional curriculum, TRAILS, is up and running in all of our classrooms. Please check today's email for the newsletter. 

Way to Go 4th Graders!!
Our 4th Graders from Ms. Detering’s and Ms. Mable’s classrooms held a coin drive for Toys for Tots this month. The classrooms raised $340 and shopped together last evening to select presents for other children. 

Final Call for Direct Donations to the PTO
A few weeks ago, you received a card in your child’s Wednesday folder. We hope you had a chance to read this card and have already made your donation to the Wines PTO for the 2024/2025 school year. If you missed the card or have yet to make your donation, please take a moment to read below: 

Every year the PTO holds numerous fundraisers throughout the school year to bring in critical funding to support things such as; field trips, Camp Tanuga, new basketball hoops, soccer nets, additional resources and support for teachers, and so much more. This year we used some of last year's funds to purchase much needed new art tables and chairs that were just delivered!
This year, we have a goal of raising $10,000 and to date we have only secured $3,425. With your help, last year we were able to almost double that amount and raise $6,370. 

During this giving season, we hope you will consider your child's school during your gift making time. Every donation helps, small or big. And don’t forget, you can even get a fun gift for your donation such as a pint glass, tote bag and a super cool scarf. 

We know it takes a village and we have such an unwavering, supportive, and invested village here at Wines. Please make your donation today so we can continue to offer unforgettable experiences and opportunities for our children. 

Looking Ahead to 2024: Planning for a New Wines!
As many in our community may know, plans are beginning to for the construction of a new Wines. I had my first meeting with various architects and other members of the district level planning group last week. We are now organizing a staff leadership group to support the planning. Later this winter and spring and into next fall, we will hold engagements with our larger community as we plan for this exciting project. So please look for these opportunities after the new year and into the next school year After you’ve read this, you may have some questions such as: 
When will the new school be built? Answer: Construction will begin in 2027 with our tentative opening in Fall of 2029. 
Where will the new school be located? We do not have a precise location yet, but it will be somewhere on the Wines/Forsythe campus. 

Once again, I wish everyone a warm, safe, and fun holiday season. Thank you again for all of the support. 


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