Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Weekly Update 6/12

 Dear Wines Families,

Greetings from Camp Tanuga where the 5th graders, the 5th grade teachers and I are enjoying some fantastic final few days together. We usually go to camp earlier in June/late May but the schedule has us here during the final week of school this year and it has been great timing for everyone! 

So, we have come to the final weekly message of the school year. I want to thank our community for another wonderful year and I hope everyone has a great summer. We have had some district level and other challenges that have impacted our school, but our staff, students, and our entire community have stayed together and as I sit here now, I have nothing but wonderful memories about this year and excitement about next year. We say goodbye to many special students, parents, and staff but we also look ahead to new faces—including over 100 Young 5’s and Kindergarten students next year! Here are the final messages of the year. 

Dismissal at 11:30 Tomorrow

We will begin Driveline around 11:25 or so. While the last day of school is special, we need to make sure everyone gets home safe so please follow the regular dismissal/Driveline procedures. If you are planning on greeting your child at school, please make sure you park in a designated parking spot. 

Report Cards

Report Cards will be emailed via secure delivery tomorrow afternoon. Kindergarten through 5th grade families will receive three separate emails. You will receive your child’s report card from their teacher, the special area class report card, and NWEA assessment results. Young 5’s will receive the report card and special area report but not NWEA scores. 

5th Grade Clap Out

We will clap out our 5th graders at approximately 11:20 on Thursday. Parents are welcome to join us. The best place for parents to view is at the Kindergarten entrance in the Cooley lot as that is where the 5th graders exit as they head back to the modular building one final time. 

1st Day of School August 26th

I know no one is thinking about the first day of school right now, but our first day will be August 26th. I will be in communication over the summer regarding our back to school events. 

Thanks again for a wonderful school year.


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