Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Weekly Update 11/11

Dear Wines Families, 

I hope you have had the opportunity to enjoy the summer like weather we've had recently. While it looks like we won't see 70 degrees again for some time, it was nice while it lasted. I don't have a lot of new information today and that is refreshing as it seems like every day since August we've had new things to report! It means we have settled into our routines. Speaking of routines, this is the time of year where I am conducting observations of teachers as part of their evaluations. I have had the opportunity to be "in" classrooms daily and it has been so wonderful to see your children and I have been extremely impressed with their efforts and the work of our teachers. While we'd all rather be inside the school building, I can tell you with certainty that GREAT things are happening in our virtual classrooms. I am so proud of our students and staff and I'm also so thankful to our families who have hung in there with us as this year has taken shape. 

Reminder: Supply Distribution TODAY 3:00 PM-6:00 PM

Please enter Wines from the Newport entrance and proceed to the front of the building where you will be greeted by a staff member. Please have a piece of paper with your child's full name and grade level to hand to the staff member. This will help us get the right supplies to you in a timely fashion. 

5th Grade Families: Please follow the same directions as above where you will pick up art supplies and the second math workbook. After you receive those supplies, continue to the Kindergarten/modular lot. Drive up to the modular area where you will be greeted by a staff member to receive your child's instrument. Please have a second piece of paper with your child's full name displayed to hand to the staff member. 

As a reminder, all Y5-5 grade students will receive art supplies. Grades 1-5 will also receive a second math journal, and 5th graders will also receive your instruments. Please note that the 2nd and 3rd grade art supplies are all labeled "2nd grade". So don't worry if your 3rd grader receives "2nd grade" art materials. Finally, for most grade levels, the second math journal may not be used for some time. Please keep this in a safe place for future use at home or, perhaps, when we return to school. 

That's all for this week. See you later today! 


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