Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Weekly Blog 5/20

Dear Wines Families,
As always, I hope this message finds you healthy and managing through this unique time in our history. Recently Trish and I have been focusing on the “silver linings” we are finding during these challenging times. A silvering lining for us is the fact that we have been able to have a family dinner together every night. Plus, our boys are not only doing the dishes for every meal but also not complaining about it! We had a great silver lining last weekend. Saturday, I celebrated a birthday and usually we don’t make a big deal out of birthdays in our family. But having it fall on a Saturday and being home without all of our regular weekend activities, it became a birthday weekend! We even had a Zoom birthday party with friends from all over the country. During normal times, those folks would have likely sent me a text (or not) wishing me a happy birthday so we certainly had the silver lining of being with friends from all over—albeit virtually. While I know many of us are having significant struggles, I hope everyone can find at least something positive out of this experience. On to the news of the week:

Virtual Art Night
Thanks to Joel Wyse and parent Jane Lardo, Art Night will go on virtually. Mr. Wyse has posted information on his special area link in the Continuity of Learning Plan. There are project ideas that students can do using materials frequently found in the home. Students are encouraged to do any of these projects. Students may also use their artistic license and work on any kind of art project of their choice. In addition, students can use projects they have already completed this year and have at home. Once they have completed a project or chosen their project, they can take a picture and submit it to We hope to collect the projects the week of May 25th.

Nurse Care Corner
Our district nurses have developed a website with resources on COVID, health and wellness for students, families, and staff.  It also includes a google form for parents and families to contact their school nurse.  Below is a link to the site.

Memorial Day Monday
Monday is Memorial Day if you can believe that. Teachers will not be loading content on Monday for next week so it will change slightly the weekly and daily calendars.

I Am With You
Finally, I want to share a link to a very cute video that Robin Moore shared with our staff last week. It sends a great message to everyone in our community that we are all with each other and we care about each other even though we are currently separated. It put a smile on our faces and I hope it puts one on yours too. Please share with your children!

That’s all for this week. Be well and be safe!


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