Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Weekly Blog 1/27

Dear Wines Families,
There are a lot of important items today. Sorry in advance for the long message…

International Night Tonight!!
Please join us for International Night tonight beginning at 6:30. We have more participants than ever this year!! I hope to see you tonight! 

Front Door Lock Update
As many of you know, a camera/buzzer system has been installed at Wines so that we can keep our doors locked during the school day. I’m pleased to announce that beginning one week from today, Wednesday, February 3rd, we will begin to have our doors locked. The doors will lock 10 minutes after the bell rings in the morning and will unlock 10 minutes before the end of the day. There is a buzzer right at the front door (disregard the yellow footprints, those were painted for a previous camera location). To enter the building, you ring the bell and there is a camera in the office. Robin is the primary person responsible for allowing entry. PLEASE NOTE: ROBIN’S PRIMARY RESPONSIBILTY IS THE WELL BEING OF OUR STUDENTS AND ALSO PLEASE NOTE THAT SHE IS NORMALLY ALONE AT THE FRONT DESK. AS A RESULT, THERE MAY BE A DELAY IN ANSWERING IF SHE IS WORKING WITH A STUDENT OR STAFF MEMBER. WE ASK THAT YOU ARE PATIENT

Parent Involvement Day
Our annual Parent Involvement Day in honor of National African American Parent Involvement Day takes place on Monday, February 8th. We invite parents to spend some or all of your day with us. A formal invitation is going home today in the Wednesday Folders. I will be sending out a digital RSVP later today or tomorrow. Please fill out the RSVP if you plan on attending. It is especially important if you are staying for lunch so we can make sure we have enough food for everyone.

Save the Date!!!
Save the date! We have decided to take our Silent Auction off site this year for a fun, casual, social, adult-only event. Please save the evening of April 30th on your calendar for this “not to be missed event”. The Raffle will continue to take place in conjunction with the Wines Country Fair on June 3rd. Stay tuned for further details. Anyone interested in helping out is invited to a meeting a 9:00 AM on Thursday, February 4th in the Wine Office conference room. If you would like to help out but cannot make that meeting, please email Amy Holland at

No School Monday
As a reminder, there is no school Monday as teachers will be participating in critical staff development activities.

That’s all for this week!


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