Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Weekly Blog 5/5

Hello Wines Families, 
I have a number of important announcements today and a few are important to get out today, so this week's blog post is a day early. 

Vote Today!
I hope our entire Wines community gets out and votes today. There is an important School Bond proposal on the ballot. If you need some more information regarding the bond before you hit the polls, below is the link I sent out last week. 

Bike To School Day Tomorrow/ACES
Another time sensitive item. Tomorrow we will be participating in the annual Bike to School Day as well as ACES (All Children Exercise Simultaneously). We encourage kids to ride to school. In addition, during the morning, Ms. Wahl will lead our entire school on a walk to take part in ACES. Please note, in the event of inclement weather (it should be fine based on tomorrow's forecast) please make a family decision regarding if your child will ride to school. There will not be a formal "cancellation" announcement in the event of bad weather. 

Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast
Our staff would like to invite every volunteer to our school to our annual Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast on May 22. We will meet at 8:00 in the Media Center. Individual teachers will be contacting volunteers, but we know that every Wines parent volunteers in one way or another so everyone is invited! 

Class/Grade Leve Picnics
As a building in conjunction with PTO leadership, we have made a decision that instead of individual classroom/grade level end of year picnics at various locations around town, we will instead have one large school-wide celebration. This will take place the afternoon of June 9th. This will be a culminating celebration for many things. In addition to celebrating the end of the school year, we will celebrate our success during March is Reading Month and I will become a human ice cream sundae. We will also hold the staff/student kickball game for the winning class from the raffle and each student will receive ice cream. In the coming days, teachers will reach out as to how classroom parents can help out that day. There are many reasons why we are making this change. If you have specific questions, please contact me directly. 

Parking Lot
I want to remind parents that students are not allowed to use the cross walk in front of school without an adult accompanying them during the busy pick up and drop off times. If you choose not to use the lineup and park instead, please walk with your child to or from school. This is a critical safety issue. I've stopped a small few recently when I am out there, but I've received reports of students crossing before I come out in the morning. Also, I generally come outside around 8:40 each morning. Students should not be lining up before that time as they are not sufficiently supervised. 

That's all for this week! 

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