Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Weekly Blog 10/22

Dear Wines Families,

Well it certainly seems as if the cooler fall weather has arrived a bit early this year. Let’s just hope this doesn’t mean we have another “polar vortex” heading our way this winter! I have a number of important announcements this week.

Run-a-Thon Pledges: Two Days Left!
Our Run-a-Thon pledges have been coming in daily and I want to thank everyone who has helped your child participate. We are very close to meeting our school-wide goal and nearly every class has met their own goal. But we aren’t there yet! We will collect pledges through Friday. Remember, you can make a pledge online at If you need a new pledge form or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Science and Builders Fair
Last week I sent out the first set of information regarding our annual Science and Builders Fair. With all of the many things going on at Wines right now, I fear that some of us missed the message. We certainly want to continue to have a successful event! The Fair is Thursday, Nov. 6th and registrations are due on Nov. 3rd. Attached to today’s email you'll find a registration form and Fair information. Please consider signing up!

Halloween Reminders
We will celebrate Halloween next Friday afternoon. We will parade through our neighborhood beginning at 2:00 and classrooms will have activities during the afternoon as well. Please refer to your child’s teacher’s communication regarding the classroom plans. Students may bring their costumes to school and change into them during the afternoon at the time designated by the teacher. Please remember that costumes must be “friendly.” No fake blood or weapons. A good rule of thumb is that if you have a question about the appropriateness of a costume or prop, then it probably is not appropriate. We understand that not every family chooses to participate in Halloween activities. If you do not want your child to participate, please let me know and we will have an alternative activity planned.

“Mix it Up at Lunch”
I’m pleased to announce that next Wednesday, October 29th, Wines will be participating in “Mix it Up at Lunch.” Mix it Up at Lunch is a national campaign launched by Teaching Tolerance over a decade ago. Mix It Up at Lunch encourages students to identify, question and cross social boundaries. In our surveys, students have identified the cafeteria as the place where divisions are most clearly drawn. So on one day—October 29 this school year—we ask students to move out of their comfort zones and connect with someone new over lunch. It’s a simple act with profound implications. Studies have shown that interactions across group lines can help reduce prejudice. When students interact with those who are different from them, biases and misperceptions can fall away.

Our students will be assigned to different tables next Wednesday where they will eat lunch and engage in some facilitated conversations. We have a number of teachers who are going to help with the tables, but we could use parent help as well. If you have about an hour to give next week at lunch (lunch runs from 11:45-12:30), please consider signing up to help. We will provide you with everything you need. Here is a link to the volunteer sign up document. If you want any more information on this event, please visit

Wines “Dining Out” Event.
On Wednesday, November 12th, local restaurant Lena is sponsoring a Wines “Dining Out” event. During this evening, 15% of your bill at the restaurant will go directly to Wines. It would be great to fill the restaurant with Wines families! So start calling those babysitters now (although kids are certainly welcome) and join us for this great way to spend an evening and support our school. An informational flyer was attached to today’s email.

Parent/Teacher Conferences
Our teachers have been busy in the evenings over the past couple of weeks meeting with parents for conferences. If you were not able to attend your conference, please contact your child’s teacher to reschedule. As always, we want to make sure we meet with every parent.

Walk to School this Friday
Don’t forget, we’ll be walking to school again this Friday!

That’s all for this week!


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