Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Weekly Blog 12/4

Dear Wines Families,
There is a lot to report this week! Here goes:

Book Fair
Our Book Fair is off to a great start! Family Night was very well attended last night and I want to thank Amy Unsworth for being quick on her feet and solving a small (well, large) scheduling/space issue last evening after we realized our school was double booked and she had to quickly move a portion of the Fair to the hallway. But everything went very well and it was a great night. The Book Fair will be open until 4:30 today and tomorrow and until noon on Friday.

Report Card Envelopes
Last week your child was sent home with his/her report card. The report card was in a small manila envelope. Please return the envelope to your child’s teacher so we can re-use them later in the year. As always, if you have any questions about your child’s report card (or if you didn’t receive one) please contact your child’s teacher.

Extra Playground Balls/Equipment??
In last week’s Wines Times, there was a blurb about our efforts to increase the number of balls and other playground equipment our kids have at lunch and other recess times. Before we go ahead and purchase more items, we figured we would ask families if you have any extra items at home—I know I do!! Basketballs, soccer balls, four square balls, jump ropes, and sturdy sand box toys will all find a good home here! There is a collection bin in the front hallway.

Science Olympiad
Have questions about Science Olympiad? Want to learn more?  What does a coach do? Who can participate?  Get all your questions answered at an informational meeting on Thursday, Dec 12 from 6:00-7:30 PM in the Wines Multi-Purpose room.

Stay tuned as Science Olympiad registration will start next week!!!
If you have any question, please contact David Creen at or Rhonda McCammon at

Student Council/Food Gatherers Food Drive
Our Student Council in conjunction with Food Gatherers is again sponsoring a food drive for the next two weeks. There will be blue barrels stationed at three points throughout the school where you can put your donations. The drive will run through Thursday, December 19.

Coat Drive
Our Coat Drive will continue until December 20th. We’ve already filled the box once. Thank You! The box is in the front hallway of our school.

No Dumping Please!
When we arrived back from Thanksgiving break, we were greeted by our recycling dumpster being completely full. It was empty when we left!! Obviously, we don’t know who added their home items to our dumpster, but if you get the urge, please refrain from adding your items to our dumpsters (trash or recycling). We had a full house of friends and family over Thanksgiving and the thought briefly crossed my mind to take a load of overflow trash/recycling to Wines. So I know the temptation!

Introducing Friday Floor Hockey at Wines
I’m excited to announce a new fun and healthy opportunity for all kids and parents at Wines. Beginning after Winter Break, we will be hosting a weekly Friday Floor Hockey game in the gym for all students. Parents are also more than welcome to join us—we have 12 adult sticks. We will begin at 8:00 AM. Participants need to have proper gym footwear—no boots or snowy/wet shoes. Students will place their coats and book bags neatly in the hallway and pick up a stick and protective eyewear as they enter the gym. I’d like to thank our wonderful PTO for supporting parent Michael Fainter’s Great Ideas grant that was used to purchase the adult sticks, eyewear, and some other floor hockey materials.

Wines needs Coaches for the Spring Season of Girls on the Run!
The spring season of GOTR doesn't begin until March 10 but GOTR is already gearing up to get the season started! Wines needs at least 2 volunteer coaches to get our site registered for this spring season. We've had a great team for the last couple of years and we'd like to keep the site going! If you are interested in coaching, please email Jennifer Hall at for more information.


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